There may be times when you need to run a payroll with a check date in the past to appropriately report wages. If you've forgotten to report wages for an employee that was already paid, follow the below steps:
- Go to the Payday tab
- Select the appropriate Pay Schedule for the employee
- Set the Pay Period to the appropriate Pay Period
- Set the Pay Date to the appropriate Pay Date
- Enter hours in the appropriate columns, such as Regular, OT, or Holiday Pay, depending on what you've set up for the employee.
- What if I need to enter minutes? Use a colon to separate the minutes from the hours, such as 30:25 for 30 hours and 25 minutes. You can also enter minutes as decimals, such as 35.75 for 35 hours and 45 minutes.
- What if I need to enter minutes? Use a colon to separate the minutes from the hours, such as 30:25 for 30 hours and 25 minutes. You can also enter minutes as decimals, such as 35.75 for 35 hours and 45 minutes.
- Enter dollar amounts as needed for types of pay such as Commission or Reimbursement.
- If you need to review or enter more details than the columns you see, click the Check Details icon for that employee. If you make changes there, click Create, which takes you back to the Create Paychecks page. What if some pay types or deductions are missing?
- Update the Payment Method to Check.
- When you're done filling in hours or dollar amounts for all employees, click Create Paychecks.
- On the Approve Paychecks page, be sure to check your work:
- To review a paycheck, click Details.
- To make changes to a paycheck, click Edit. (You can edit most types of paychecks.)
- If you're not sure and want to start over, just click undo.
Once you approve paychecks, it's not always easy to correct a mistake. And if you use direct deposit, you can't delete a paycheck once the funds have been transferred. Tell me more about deleting and correcting paychecks.
When you're satisfied with all the paychecks, click Approve.
Please be cautious when selecting a check date too far in the past. If you need to create a check for a previous quarter, please contact us at
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