- Before you begin this process you will need the following items on hand
- Federal Identification Number (FEIN).
- Name of legal entity.
- DBA (Doing Business As) name, if it is different than the legal name.
- Physical address of the business.
- Mailing address (if different from the physical address).
- Additional business location addresses.
- Type of legal entity (corporation, sole proprietorship, LLC, etc.).
- Primary business activity performed.
- If a partnership or corporation, state and date of incorporation/formation.
- Name, social security number, and telephone number for owner(s)/officers/partners of the business.
- Date that first wages were paid to covered employees.
- Payroll service/agent name (if applicable) and type of correspondence you want them to receive.
- Login to the business tax account (To establish the business tax account see Virginia Withholding Tax Registration)
- Select "TAX" Account Type
- Account # is business EIN.
- User ID & Password were established when the business registered for Virginia WIthholding Tax
- Under "Update Your Business Profile" select "Register with VEC"
- Write your "access code" down (useful should the registration get interrupted) > Select "Continue your registration now" link
- On the "What is Needed to Register Successfully?" page, select "Register Now!"
- On the "Add Employer Federal ID Number" confirm the number and select "Continue"
- On the "Employer Registration - Add Employer Liability Determination" page select appropriate options (date of first employment in Virginia will be the employee hire date or the first day of the first pay period an employee in Virginia was paid) > Select "Continue"
- If business is subject to Federal Unemployment Tax in another state select "Yes" for "Is this business currently subject to Federal Unemployment Tax in another state?," otherwise select "No" > Select "Continue"
- Review the "Liability determination information," if you need to change responses select "Start Over" if everything is correct, select "Continue"
- Complete the required fields on the "Employer Registration - Add Employer Legal Information" page (be sure pop-ups are allowed, there's an address verification pop-up that you are required to acknowledge) > Select "Continue"
- Complete the required fields on the "Employer Registration - Add Responsible Party" page > Select "Continue" (be sure pop-ups are allowed, there's an address verification pop-up that you are required to acknowledge) > Review form and select "Confirm"
- Complete the required fields on the "Maintain Additional Addresses" page > Select appropriate address type > Complete address information > Select "Continue" (be sure pop-ups are allowed, there's an address verification pop-up that you are required to acknowledge) > Review form and select "Confirm"
- Complete the required fields on the "Employer Registration -- Add Business Activity" page > Input NAICS code (lookup on Google), tab off NAICS Code field and other fields will populate themselves > Select "Continue"
- Complete the required fields on the "Employer Registration -- Add Contact Information" page for the "Primary Contact" > Select "Save & Add" > Input contact for Ludt Payroll (Contact Title: Payroll Processor; First Name: Geoffrey; Last Name: Ludt; Phone: 405-531-0937; Email: payroll@ludtpayroll.com) >Select "Continue"
- Select the "I certify ..." box and select the "Submit Registration" button.
- On the "Confirmation" page, select the "Print" button > right-click the "VA UI System" pop-up, print to pdf > Send registration confirmation to "payroll@ludtpayroll.com"
- Alternatively: Select, copy and paste the confirmation (including the "Employer Account#" and the "Initial UI Tax Rate) to an email to "payroll@ludtpayroll.com"
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