Indiana requires businesses with employees to register for an unemployment tax account.
Indiana calls this account a Indiana Department of Workforce Development Account and assigns businesses a IN Dept of Workforce Development Acct No.
Indiana prefers employers register online, there is no registration fee.
Follow this link to the Indiana Department of Workforce Development's "Employer Self Service" page and follow the instructions to set up the unemployment tax account:
- Only proceed if the business HAS paid subject wages in IN
- Information required:
- Name of legal entity
- DBA name, if it is different than the legal name
- Physical address of the business
- Mailing address (if different from the physical address)
- Additional business location addresses
- Type of legal entity (corporation, sole proprietorship, LLC, etc.)
- Primary business activity performed
- If a partnership or corporation, state and date of incorporation/formation.
- Name, social security number, and telephone number for owner(s)/officers/partners of the business
- Dates that covered employees first performed services in Indiana
- Date that first wages were paid to covered employees
- Payroll service/agent name (Ludt Payroll) and type of correspondence you want them to receive
- Select the "First Time User" Link (or button)
- For "Is this UserID going to be for a UI Employer or Agent Account?" select "Employer"
- For "Do you already have an existing Indiana DWD account number for the account type selected above?" select "No"
- Input the business EIN in "Please Enter Your FEIN"
- Select the "Next" button
- If the business has paid wages in Indiana, on the "New Employer Registration: Registering for an Indiana State Unemployment Tax Account" screen, select "Next"
- On the "New Employer Registration: What is Needed to Register Successfully?" screen, select "Register Now!"
- On the Sign Up For a New Account" page:
- complete the form (username, password, secret questions, etc.)
- Select the "I accept the User Agreement" box
- Select the "Next" button
- On the "New User Account Confirmation" page:
- Select "Print"
- If "Print" button on page doesn't work, print using the browsers "Print" command
- Store for your records
- Select "Next" (You will be taken back to the home page)
- Select "Print"
- On the homepage, login using the credentials you just created.
- On the "Employer Registration FEIN Information Step 1 Qualify" page:
- Input the business FEIN
- Select the "Next" button
- On the "Employer Registration Qualify Step 1 Qualify" page:
- Review the questions and select those that apply -- if none apply (most likely) select the "Select" button for "None of the above apply to your business or organization"
- Select the "Next" button
- On the "Employer Registration Indiana Business Step 1 Qualify" page:
- If the business has had more than $1.00 of Indiana payroll, select "Yes"
- Input the "Year" and "Quarter" that the qualification was met.
- select the "Next" button
- On the "Employer Registration Legal Information Step 2 Legal Information" page:
- Input the:
- Business Legal Name
- Business Type
- Formation Date of Corporation or Partnership
- State of Incorporation or Formation
- Date Payroll Began in Indiana
- Primary Mailing Address
- Country
- Address Line 1 (and 2 if applicable)
- City
- State
- Zip Code
- Phone
- Fax
- Select the "Next Button"
- On the "User Entered Address NOT valid..." pop up:
- Select the address that is validated (if applicable)
- Select the "Continue" button
- Input the:
- On the "Employer Registration Responsible Party Step 3 Responsible Party" page:
- Input "Contact Information"
- Input "Address Information"
- Select the "Add & Review" button
- On the "User Entered Address NOT valid..." pop up:
- Select the address that is validated (if applicable)
- Select the "Continue" button
- On the "Employer Registration Responsible Party Step 3 Responsible Party Saved Responsibilities" page:
- Review the information, edit if necessary, add another party if necessary
- Select the "Next" button
- On the "Employer Registration Additional Addresses Step 4 Locations" page:
- If the company has more than one location, complete the info on this page, if not select the "Next" button
- For out-of-state businesses, input the locations employees are working from within Indiana
- If the business has additional Indiana locations, select "Add & Review"
- On the Additional Locations page:
- Review the address added (edit if necessary)
- Select "Add Another Location" to add an additional address
- Repeat from 19.3 if business has additional locations, otherwise select "Add & Review":
- Select validated address
- Select "Continue" button
- On the Additional Locations page:
- Select "Next" button
- On the "Employer Registration Business Activity Step 5" page:
- Input the business NAICS Code/Description (Google "NAICS code %business activity%")
- Input a detailed description of the primary business activity
- Select the "Next" button
- On the "Employer Registration Contact Information Step 6" page:
- Input contact information (must proved one "Registration Contact" -- the responsible party for registration at the business)
- Select "Add & Review"
- On the "SAVED EMPLOYER CONTACTS" page, select "Add Another Contact":
- Title: Payroll Processor
- First Name: Geoffrey
- Last Name: Ludt
- Phone: 405-531-0937
- Fax: 480-287-8765
- Email:
- Select the "Add & Review" button
- On the "SAVED EMPLOYER CONTACTS" page, select the "Next" button
- On the "Employer Registration Certification Step 8 Certification" page:
- Review the "Registration Summary"
- Select the "I ... certify that the information ..." box
- Select the "Submit" button
- On the "We recommend that you print..." pop-up:
- Select "Print"
- Print for your records
- On the "Employer Registration Certification Step 8 Certification" page:
- Select the "Submit" button
- On the "Employer Registration Confirmation Step 9 Confirmation" page:
- Select "Print"
- Print for your records
- Select the "Home" button
- Select the "Profile Maintenance" button > select the "Correspondence Agents" link
- On the "Assign Correspondence Agents" page, select "Agent Search"
- Input 122461 in "Agent ID" field and select the "Search" button
- In the "Search Results" box select the "Next" link corresponding to "LUDT BUSINESS SYSTEMS, LLC"
- In the "Assign Correspondence Agent" box (second box down) for "Correspondence Type" select "Tax"
- In the "Important Information" box (third box down) check the box for "By checking this box, I certify that I ..."
- Select the "Assign" button
- Select the "Home" button
- On the "Assign Correspondence Agents" page, select "Agent Search"
- Select the "Maintain Account" button
- On the "Eternal Account Authorizations (Agents)" bar, select the "down arrow" (on the right)
- Select the "Add Agent" button
- Input 122461 in "Agent ID" field and select the "Search" button
- In the "Search Results" box select the "Next" link corresponding to "LUDT BUSINESS SYSTEMS, LLC"
- In the "Add External User Account" for the "Authorization Level" select "Wage Records"
- In the "Important Information" box (third box down) check the box for "By checking this box, I certify that I ..."
- Select the "Next" button
- On the "User added successfully" box, select "close"
- In the "Search Results" box select the "Next" link corresponding to "LUDT BUSINESS SYSTEMS, LLC"
- Input 122461 in "Agent ID" field and select the "Search" button
- Select the "Add Agent" button
- On the "Eternal Account Authorizations (Agents)" bar, select the "down arrow" (on the right)
- Email "" and let us know that you've successfully registered the account and provided third party access.
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