To set up an account on Taxpayer Access Point
This registration option is for creating a TAP profile to access your business tax information or tax documents. It is not for registering your business with the Tax Commission. You must have registered your FEIN and legal business name as a customer with the Tax Commission to create a TAP profile. If you are:
- Adding access to a tax account, you will also need the 14-character tax account ID (eleven digits and three letters such as 12345678-002-STC).
- Only submitting withholding documents for a client, you must still register your FEIN and legal name with the Tax Commission.
If you have not registered your FEIN and legal business name or applied for a tax account with the Tax Commission, you can register online by using the Apply for Tax Account(s) - TC-69 link, located on the TAP homepage.
Don’t have a profile?
Click “Sign Up”
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