The ACA OnDemand Dashboard provides a view of real time key statistics being tracked within the ACA Compliance Center. An employer or administrator can view ALE Status, a statistical summary of FTE ACA Coverage, ACA Trending Employees and an ACA Compliance status window.
ALE (Applicable Large Employer) Status
- Full-Time employee count and Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employee count display by month.
- The total of these two employee counts determines if an employer is an ALE.
- An Applicable Large Employer is commonly referred to as an ALE.
- An ALE is an employer with at least 50 full-time employees, including full-time equivalent employees.
- Companies under a common ownership, or part of a control group, are combined to determine whether they meet the threshold of 50 full-time equivalent employees.
ACA Compliance
- A display of employee data in the following categories: Total number of standard salaried employees, standard hourly employees, variable hour employees, unassigned employees and any employees whom are missing critical data.
- Any information required to file Form 1095-C is considered critical data.
- Examples of critical data include: social security number and address.
- An unassigned employee is any employee that does not have a health insurance plan with corresponding offer of coverage answer.
- Immediate action items display in red.
- By clicking on the employee category, you are taken directly to the measurement period to view more detail.
ACA Trending Employees
- Each part-time employee being tracked within the current measurement period for the company.
- Using the average weekly hours and days left within the measurement period, a 'Pace Needed' calculation displays.
- This represents the total number of hours an employee should work for the remainder of the measurement period to maintain, or stay ‘on pace’ to keep a part-time status.
- This is intended to provide valuable insight to the employer in order to make the most informed business decisions on scheduling hours and benefit coverage.
FTE ACA Coverage – As part of ACA requirements, the IRS audits employer benefit offerings in three key categories for ALE’s. Each statistic displays as a percentage:
- The percent of Full-Time Employees offered Minimum Essential Coverage
- The percent of Full-Time Employees offered Minimum Value
- The percent of Full-Time Employees offered Affordable Coverage
To dive deeper into the data behind the statistics, go to the ACA menu. ACA>Affordability Summary
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