Set up new users under User Accounts.
Each tab is designed with flexible features to establish the proper levels of security and control.
Basic New User Information is completed under settings, including the Type of User
- User Name: Create a user name to access the software. User Name is case sensitive
- First Name: enter first name
- Last Name: enter last name
- Email: enter valid e-mail address
- New Password: Password must contain more than twelve characters and at least one special character, one number and one upper and lower case letter. The password field provides the user with a ‘very weak to very strong’ statement during entry. Once established, the password will lock the user out at the 5th incorrect password attempt.
- Re-enter Password: This field validates the password
User Settings
User Type: Defines the type of customer set up. Options include:
- Customer: A Service Bureau Client End User
- Partner Admin: An Apex Service Bureau Client End User
- Apex Admin: An Apex Support Team Member
Partner: From the drop down menu, select the Service Bureau that the client is linked to.
Status: From the drop down menu select Active or Inactive status
First Time Login: This box is checked in the initial set up of a user. The first time login prompts the user to establish a password.
Using the drop down menu, select the fields a user has access to. An All Access Levels option exits
Company Access: Grant specific company access to a user by clicking 'edit' in the bottom left corner. Each available company displays with a selection box. Check the associated company box.
User IP Restrictions: Enter up to ten IP Addresses. This determines the static computer address that users must utilize to access ACA OnDemand.
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