Oklahoma requires businesses with employees to register for a withholding tax account. Here is a link to the online registration process:
- Goto: https://oktap.tax.ok.gov/OkTAP/Web/_/#1
- Select "Register for a Business" link
- Select "NEW-Business Registration" link
- Have the business EIN handy
- Lookup your business Filing Number and Date here: https://www.sos.ok.gov/corp/corpInquiryFind.aspx
- It's easiest to search the business records using your business name but you can also use the "Advanced Search" option and search using parameters such as "Search by Name of Person"
- On the "Reason" page
- Select "Yes" or "No" for "Are you a remote seller?"
- Select "Yes" or "No" for "Direct Wine Shipper"
- Select "ONLY register a new withholding account" for "I am filling out this application because I want to..."
- Select "Next"
- On the "Instructions" page
- Select "I accept the terms and conditions"
- Select "Next"
- On "Identification" page
- select the correct "Customer Type"
- Input your Federal Employer ID (See EIN above)
- Select "Next"
- On the "Application Information" page
- Complete the required "Contact Information" for you
- Complete the "Business Type"
- See "Tips" above to obtain Secretary of State Filing Number
- Select "Add an Officer" button
- Complete the required fields on the "Officer Information" pop-up that appears.
- Commence date is the first date you will have payroll
- Select "OK"
- Select "Next" button
- On "Address Information" page
- For "Mailing Address," input the required information
- Select "Click here to verify link"
- On "Address Search" pop-up
- Select "Unverified" link (it is red)
- Select the address that is "Verified"
- Select "Save"
- For "Physical Location Address," input the required information (can't be a PO BOX)
- Select "Click here to verify link"
- On "Address Search" pop-up
- Select "Unverified" link (it is red)
- Select the address that is "Verified"
- Select "Save"
- Select "Next" button
- For "Mailing Address," input the required information
- On "Location Information" page
- For "Trade Name of Business (DBA), input the business trade name (DBA)
- For "Physical Location Contact", input required information
- For "Primary Business Activity," select the "Click here to enter ..." link
- On "Activity Code Search" pop-up
- Input your primary product or service in the "Keyword" box, select "Search"
- Select the Code that most closely matches what your business does
- Select "OK"
- On "Activity Code Search" pop-up
- Select the "Next" button
- On the "Withholding Tax" information page
- Do you expect to withhold more than $500 per quarter? Select, "Yes"
- Are you required to make federal withholding tax deposits more frequently than once a month? Select, "No"
- Do you wish to register a new wage withholding account? Select, "Yes"
- For "Wage withholding type" select "Payroll"
- For "Date wage witholding begins" select the start date of the business's first pay period.
- Do you wish to register a new royalty withholding account? Select, "No"
- Do you wish to register a new pass through withholding account? Select, "No"
- Select "Next" button
- On the "Summary" page, review the registration information and select "Next" button
- On the "Web Logon" page
- Select "Yes"
- Input the required information for "Web Logon Information, Contact Information, and Security Information"
- Select the "Next" button
- On the "Signature" page
- Complete the required information
- Select the "Submit" button
Oklahoma will issue your business an identification number that begins "WTH...". Please forward this number to Ludt Payroll as soon as you receive it (we need it to file and deposit Oklahoma income tax liabilities).
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