- Before you begin this process you will need the following items on hand
- Federal Identification Number (FEIN).
- Name of legal entity.
- DBA (Doing Business As) name, if it is different than the legal name.
- Physical address of the business.
- Mailing address (if different from the physical address).
- Additional business location addresses.
- Type of legal entity (corporation, sole proprietorship, LLC, etc.).
- Primary business activity performed.
- If a partnership or corporation, state and date of incorporation/formation.
- Name, social security number, and telephone number for owner(s)/officers/partners of the business.
- Date that first wages were paid to covered employees.
- Payroll service/agent name (if applicable) and type of correspondence you want them to receive.
- Sign up for a User ID:
- Go to: https://apps.twc.state.tx.us/UITAXREG/security/logon.do
- Select the "Sign Up for User ID" link
- Complete the "Sign Up for User ID" process
- Register for a New Tax Account
- Logon to https://apps.twc.state.tx.us/UITAXREG/security/logon.do
- Complete basic employer information (Name, FEIN, Employment Start Date, etc) > Select "Next" button
- Employment Type: Regular Employment
- Complete the "Regular Employment" page > Select "Next" button
- Complete the "Acquisitions" page > Select "Next" button
- Complete the "Corporation Details" page > Select "Next" button
- Complete the "Officer Details" page > Select "Next" button
- Review the "Officer List" page, add new officer OR, select "Next" button
- Complete the "Employer Mailing Address" page > Select "Next" button
- Complete the "Trade Name and Physical Location Details" page > Select the "Next" button
- Complete the "Nature of Activity" page > Select the "Next" button
- Complete the "Review and Finalize" page > Select "Finalize"
- Note the "TWC Tax Account Number" and email it to payroll@ludtpayroll.com
- Ludt Payroll will then request account access and send instructions to approve Ludt Payroll third party access.
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