Have the following available in advance of registration
- Legal Entity Name
- Date employee first worked
- Date employee first paid
- If State of Incorporation is Missouri, Missouri Charter Number
- Address of physical location in Missouri
- Missouri wage history for each quarter of current year
- Number of employees by week for current year
- Go to https://labor.mo.gov/employers
- Select “New Unemployment Tax Account” link
- Select “Yes” on “New Unemployment Tax Account” pop-up
- IF business already registered with the MO Dept of Revenue
- Select the “Don’t have an account? Create one” link (in sign-in box)
- Select “I need to register a business”
- Select “Next”
- Input required fields on “Employer Registration” page > Select “Next”
- Input required fields on “Employer Signup” page > Select “Next”
- Input required fields on “General Information” page > Select “Next”
- Input required fields on “Employer Entity Information”
- Line 6: Most business involves non-agricultural or non-domestic work
- Line 9: If business has employees in other states, very likely that business is FUTA liable
- Line 13: If State of Incorporation is Missouri, “Charter Number” is required
- Line 16: Common Paymaster employer is when related companies are paid through same employer (See “?” link for more info)
- Select “Next”
- Input “Add Business Location/Headquarters” required info
- If business is out-of-state and employee working remotely, this can be employee’s home or work address in Missouri.
- Select “Next”
- Review “Business Location/Headquarters Details”
- Add Another if appropriate
- Select “Next”
- Input required “Employer Contact Details” information
- May be different from physical work location
- Select “Next”
- Input required “Add Corporate Officer/Owner” information
- SSN, Residential Address, Deceased response required
- Review “Corporate Officer/Owner Details”
- Add Another if appropriate
- Select “Next”
- Input “Wage History” > select “Next”
- Input “Employment History Details” > Select “Next”
- Input required “Business Acquisition” information > Select “Next”
- Input required “Prior Registration Information” > Select “Next”
- Upload any supporting documents (not common) > Select “Next”
- Review “Tax and Wage Reports Received” (usually none received yet) > Select “Next”
- Select “I accept” on “Statement of Acknowledgment” > Select “Submit”
- Review “Corporate Officer/Owner Details”
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